Tuesday, May 31, 2016

20 Time Final Post

I presented my 20 Time project and its results in class where it recorded and the video is below. I think overall my Ted Talk went well. I had rehearsed my talk several times and each time I had gone over the allotted 5 minutes so I was continuously trying to cut out unnecessary information so I was happy to see that I was able to slow my talking down a bit and fit in the time frame. However because I was adjusting my presentation over and over it was hard to remember how I wanted to say things so I was stumbling in my words some. Another thing is my acknowledgement of the sources I used and the citations. When I watched the video again, I noted that I did not explicitly name my sources but when I discussed that men eat more in the presence of women, parents should not force children to clean their plates, and how much a person cleans off their place, I was talking about Cornell and Dr. Wansink's studies, and Stanford's culture and food studies as well. The citations of these are seen in my final works cited slide even though I failed to explicitly say, 'According to..." Actually giving the talk, I was not as nervous as I thought I would be and it turned out that I did not need my notes. It was fascinating listening to other people's presentations, especially if I had not previously read their blog posts on their projects. I really liked the 20 Time project idea but it was difficult for me to settle on one topic so I think it would have been better to explore other topics and do some research on them first before sticking with one. From my presentation, I learned that it is extremely important to be clear and thorough since I had to realize that even though I may know a lot about the topic, no one else does. On the rubric, I think I would grade myself how it was graded since I realize that I was not clear on what sources I actually cited.

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