Wednesday, May 11, 2016

20 Time Reflection

My 20 Time experience did not go as I had but I feel nevertheless that I have learned from this experience. Initially I wanted to do an experiment on how color affects people's perceptions but having the means to carry out that experiment was beyond my abilities. Instead I shifted my topic to subconscious cues and decided to gather research to write a paper on it. I chose this because it was similar to my original topic but by focusing on subconscious cues in relation to food, I was able to incorporate something I am interested in as well. Through my 20 time project I just wanted to be able to research something that interested me and possibly make something out of it. Since I got started later I was not able to get a whole lot done but I did most of my research and know where the paper is heading and I have a brief outline. However even in my English class, just writing an outline and doing the research was a long and time-consuming process so I feel that I have gotten a good start. I was able to find research from labs such as Cornell and their research has showed me how extensive it can get. I learned about time-management and also about how people can change their habits to subconsciously change how they eat. One of my biggest difficulties was not getting distracted from my main topic while researching since there were many other topics it could branch out to. That said, if I could do this again I would have my project to be researching a certain area of a broader topic each week instead of confining myself to just one. I hope to be able to continue with this and just make a habit of looking things up once in a while to broaden my understanding of the world.
I will begin my story with an anecdote about eating then transition into subconscious cues. To make it more interesting I will relate it to teenagers and people in general, especially those who like eating and then conclude it with a call to action.

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